<aside> 💡 Life can pass us by. Our young years are fleeting - before we know it, we will be old, and far less capable of exploring the world around us. Make a habit weekly, of thinking thinking where you wanna go next, when and with whom. This can be a local trip to a new place near home, or a short flight away. It can also be a more significant trip that you wanna plan ahead for to ensure you are efficient with your money. The tool below should take a lot of the thinking out of planning and be a fun place to look at what’s next, when it comes to your travel goals!


<aside> 👉 I’ve gotten you started with some sample trips - delete them once you get a hang of the tool.


<aside> 📌 Make a copy of this template so you can edit it, and make it your own.


Upcoming Travel

🧠 When you start a new trip be sure to use the template I created!

It will take a lot of the thinking out of planning a trip.

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